Senin, 10 Januari 2011

The Graphic Design of Call of Duty: Black Ops

Even if you've seen this intro animation already, try watching it again to see how many different designs you're able to spot. They move so damn fast, I doubt the human eye can catch up!

Like the millions of 18-25 year old males, I've spent more than a few hours playing Call of Duty.  When I saw the intro animation and cut scenes for the game, I couldnt help but notice so many well designed pieces that were being flipped through REALLY fast.  Like 5 different blips per second.  I'm not sure if any human is able to actually catch all that design just by watching it, try it for yourself.  It was only when I paused every 1/2 a second I was able to see all the beautiful typography and graphics by SPOV Design and Moving Image from London.  It makes me sad to see all this fantastic designs -- pages and pages of stuff that is flipped though in less than 1/5 of a second. Video found via our good blog friend Monsieur Bandit.

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